IMIB Journal of Innovation and Management
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Siddharth Singh Tomar1

First Published 12 Jan 2024.
Article Information Volume 2, Issue 1 January 2024
Corresponding Author:

Siddharth Singh Tomar, IMI Bhubaneswar, Bhubaneswar, Odisha 751003, India.

IMI Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India

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In today’s era, internet has become one of the most popular platforms to shop online including grocery products. Online grocery shopping (OGS) has been considered relatively new but a promising sector of e-commerce in India. Several scholars have investigated the factors affecting the customer intention to buy grocery products online in different research contexts, however, there is no consensus in the literature on determinants of OGS. This article aims to explore the factors, such as convenience, trust, website design and security, that influence customer satisfaction in OGS. A survey was developed, and collected responses were analysed using confirmatory factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The findings suggest that one of the major determinants of customer satisfaction while buying groceries online is website user-friendliness and the information provided about the grocery items. Furthermore, convenience and payment security also have a very significant positive impact on customer satisfaction.


Online grocery shopping, emerging economies, empirical research


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