IMIB Journal of Innovation and Management
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Anna-Vanadis Faix1

First Published 1 Dec 2022.
Article Information Volume 1, Issue 1 January 2023
Corresponding Author:

Anna-Vanadis Faix, School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Steinbeis University, Kalkofenstraße 53, 71083 Herrenberg, Germany

1 School of International Business and Entrepreneurship (SIBE), Steinbeis University, Herrenberg, Germany

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Innovation has now become a core issue in companies and the economy, and it is becoming the leading driver of growth and prosperity. However, there is often a lack of uniform and holistic concepts that grasp the phenomenon and integrate it interpretatively, and, therefore, business structures towards innovation cannot be defined and interpreted adequately. This article aims to take up this question and answer it within a minimal concept of innovation quality. The quality of innovation is not based on the profit of the company or other one-sided economic core variables but rather on the general creation of value and the improvement of the quality of life in a society. This makes it possible to create a normative basis for a general evaluation that can be used to interpret structures in the company that are conducive to innovation and long-term solutions towards creativity and critical thinking.


Innovation quality, value creation, business structures, minimal conception, welfare, society


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